Today I Learned: sequence alignment, project state space, Rhonda Forever
Sequence alignment…
I went to the San Francisco Public Library today (which is just across the road from my house — it’s a crime I don’t visit there more……
I wrote something slow in Python (I know, surprising isn’t it), and I wanted to run lots of it in parallel so the ridiculous 36 or whatever……
Sequence alignment…
Here’s some things I learned about today. Kinda rough, but whatever. I’ve been thinking for a while about jotting down at the end of the……
What are your values?…
The process of building software wasn’t always called engineering. In the early 1970s, men started pushing women out of the software……
In which I realise that victim-blaming is about fear and the need for control.…
Most multiplayer games have a relatively short arc of play, often centred around a single match or event. The match is decided in favour of……